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    • Forgot your Fullerton court date; or a cosignor who needs to know when a defendant has court? We research the Orange county court database.
    • Someone you know detained but you dont know where? Send us a message so We can help you find your loved one by quickly searching the OC inmate database.



The Fullerton Police Station has 1 location in Fullerton. When someone is taken into custody, they are typically issued a bond amount for release. If they are unable to post bond they are taken to the Fullerton Detention Center. It's imperative that you get them released from the Anaheim jail before they are taken to OC Detention.

The Fullerton Police Department is located at the intersection of Commonwealth and Highland. The Front Lobby is open seven days a week, handling a variety of activities including taking police reports, handling inquiries, both in person and by phone, and assisting the public.

Fullerton Police Department

Address: 237 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, CA 92832
Phone: (714) 738-6800

DISCLAIMER: Please take notice, this free inmate search website is not sponsored by the Fullerton Police, Fullerton Sheriff or any other government or law enforcement entity. This is a free website to help people of Fullerton find inmates and information about charges, arrest and bail amounts.